
Road to Recovery

As she has done for the past few years, Princess hosted a father's day get together.  It was small this year.  Just her brother-in-law (and family), father-in-law (and spouse), and spousy and me.  I usually bicycle there and plotted a longer route for my knee rehabilitation. 

This was the third time outside on the bike since my knee surgery.

I had been on the mag training bike in the basement a couple times.  I hadn't put any effort in to that.  I was mostly trying to flex my knee.  So I kept the tension and gearing low.  I spun at a low 60-70 cadence.   I think this helped loosen me up.

The first time outside was two Saturdays ago.  I walked the bike up to the main road because I didn't want to have a short stop forced on me by oncoming cars.  I mounted the bike OK and started off.  I just road around locally for about two miles and came back.  I didn't have any problems and figured I was on my way.

Next I rode around the block.  This upped the mileage to about 5 1/2 miles.  It also added a steep little bridge that goes over the railroad tracks.  I did alright on this one too.

Finally, I decided to take the long way to Princess' house.  I fired up my old Microsoft Streets and Maps because I find that the easiest to play with with this sort of plotting various routes to get a decent ride and the desired distance.  I settled on a 9 mile route that took me out to US 206, then north, and finally back to Princess' green acres.

I left about 12:30 and of course it was dang hot.  I rode down to the high school then over to US 206.  Fortunately there was one car waiting to turn left as I came up behind it.  I like a single car.  That way it trips the traffic signal and I get to go and not hold up traffic as I will if I'm behind three or four cars with more behind me.

The ride up 206 was fine.  I hit the usual nervous area where the cars are fast, the lanes are narrow, and there is no shoulder.  But I reached the promenade without incident. 

By this point I was about 2 miles from the end but I was getting a little tired.  Maybe it was a combo of the knee and the heat.  At any rate that last 2 miles was not as pleasant as the first two miles.  When I got to Princess' house I felt light headed enough that I put my bike in her garage rather than lifting it up to the roof rack.  But a short time in doors with some more ice water and I was ready for the shrimp, burgers, and of course Mike's shots of Irish whiskey.

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