
Taxpayer Subsidized Pet Care

wow. Two posts in one day and both political.

Republicans keep saying to trust them. They are the fiscal conservatives, blah, blah, blah.

How about Thaddeus McCotter, Michigan Republican Congressman?

This miscreant from the fiscal conservative party wants to give everyone a $3,500 deduction for pet care! This is outrageous! Don't make me pay for YOUR freakin' gold fish. You want a cat? Pay for it yourself! Sorry Jen but that includes you and Leo too.

No. It isn't April 1. Read the official PDF of this garbage.

Michael Steele - same old same old

Michael Steele was on the John Gambling (710 AM) show this morning (some guest host Dom G??) saying the same old tired stuff. He talks and talks about the bad old Democrats and never tells us how he is going to clean up his own party. How can we trust a guy who blasts Democrats for their health care, cap and trade, etc. etc. and yet won't call out his own Republican party members who vote to pass that stuff.

He talked about Republicans listening to the people. BUT, when I wrote to my Republican congressman who voted 'yes' on cap and trade, I never got a response. Seems like the RNC is still a bunch of hypocrites in for the politics and not for serving the nation or its citizens.

I am worried that the current administration will totally wreck this nation and or the economy in short order. I am concerned that a third party would take so much time that it would be too little too late. But at this point, although it is a long shot, I'm leaning towards a third party as the only chance.