Why Boo's house? Well because she has a large deck and a swimming pool. There may be other reasons, but those will do for now.
I expected the usual ride for libation and food on this 4rth of July. My brother punked out with some lame excuse about his wife breaking her leg so I had to go solo. Instead to swinging by Thomas Sweets in Princeton for a nice ice cream break, I decided to go for broke. I don't know. Maybe I was inspired while watching the beginning of the 2009 Tour de France.
I rode about as hard I am able. Now I'm overweight, closing in on 60, and smoked for almost 50 years (3rd grade until about a year and a half ago) so I'm not Lance Armstrong in disguise. Or believe me, it is a very good disguise.
Anyway I mashed up the big 8-10o hill on Great Road and kept on going. I was pooped when I got there, but when I looked at my speedo, WOW. I finally broke the two hour barrier. A new record for the ride. To celebrate, I snap a picture for proof**. Of course I immediately phoned my brother and allowed as how he must be the anchor.
Ok, so I guess there will be no yellow jersey for me, but it was a glorious day in the pedals anyway.
* The captain at our August 2001 family reunion (Boo's house of course)

** My record documenting my sub two hour timing.