Got the Americano back on Sunday. A $120 later and I have a new bottom bracket.
I haven't ridden it yet, but I wiggled the cranks the same way as I did before when I could feel a bit of play. All the play is gone so hopefully this is worth it. I also feel better that the BB won't fall apart when I'm pedaling to Key West next year. Hate to have the thing break while trying to out run an alligator.
Hopefully the 'click' while pedaling that started all this is also gone. The owner of the LBS said he had tried it out and had heard the click in the same place I had heard it. I don't remember whether he said he rode it after the new BB was installed and heard no click. Hopefully so.
I thought about trying to do this myself. But I would need to buy at least one new tool that I might use but this once in my lifetime. The tools in this Park Tool article on replacing your bottom bracket has a list. I might have everything else but the larger wrench. The tool I definitely have to buy is that Bottom Bracket Tool. And you need one of those for different types of bottom brackets. I'm pretty sure my older Cannondale T700 would use a different tool. I suspect a different tool will be required for the next bike too.
So, in the end I took it down to the Local Bike Shop and talked to Timmy. Maybe I should have just wheeled next door. That's where Timmy lives. Yep my next door neighbor.