I was too lazy and too cheap to get up, buy a bus ticket, and get to the bus to go to DC. So I went to Morristown to their rally (billed as for those who
The rally was held on the Morristown square. The Morristown square is in the middle of town, in the middle of the business district. The square is much like the Boston Commons but smaller. There are four intersecting streets that form a square block. That square is a park with benches and the like.
The rally was scheduled to run from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM. I got to Morristown a little after 11 and had to spend a few minutes finding somewhere to park. I found a new parking garage a few blocks from the square.
So I missed the beginning, but caught the first speaker part way through his spiel. The speakers / speeches were pretty much what I had expected. The speeches mostly railed against big government and government spending. It was kind of having come out of Mr Peabody's WABAK machine. If it was not for the topics being government spending rather than the war in Vietnam, I would have lit one of those Winstons I smoked back then.
I thought it was a decent crowd considering most people should be at work and if you had any ambition you'd be in DC.
I would say the majority of the attendees were older, but there were a fair number of 20's & 30's as well. There were a few mothers with strollers as well as toddlers and preschoolers. I didn't see any of the left-wing sabateurs like Crash the Tea Party types.
I did see a kind of counter protest by a small group in the very back.
But I'm not sure what they were saying. Can someone tell me what MORE BLOOD WON'T CLEANSE BAD BLOOD means? Does this have anything to do with the Tea Party? Are they saying drink blood, not tea? I'm so confused. One thing I did notice was an SDS sign.
Gee, those guys are still around? I mean I know that several of those original SDS ( and Weather Underground) founders / members are presidential advisers, but I didn't know they were still on college campuses (I assume the kids were from some local college).
The Tea Party people had their signs of course. For the most part the signs were anti-taxes and government spending. The sort of thing you would expect of the Tea Party people. But I did see this one that I guess
seeks to explain the how and why of the Tea Party movement. I was thinking it might be a little more complicated than that.
Unlike the news accounts you hear, I didn't see any wild terrorist wanna-bees. No hitler signs. I did see guns though. Strapped to the several police who were there. The hired security were armed to the teeth with a vest and walkie-talkie.
The only sign I saw which was a bit obnoxious was this one:
But I also thought it was kind of funny too. If this is the worst the Tea Party has, I think Bill Clinton needs to look elsewhere for his terrorist concerns.
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